Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Temple Mount

The Dome of the Rock is easily the most beautiful building in all of Jerusalem, and perhaps all of Israel. Interestingly enough, the Muslims had Christans construct the building for them, and it is for this reason that the Dome of the Rock is an eight-sided place of worship--modeled after the common design for a church during that period. The Temple Mount, upon which the Dome of the Rock is located, is much more relaxing than its fellow holy places--the holy place of the Jews, the Kotel; and that of the Christians, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Temple Mount is very much an oasis, and is the largest open space in all of Jerusalem. From the pictures you can see the impressiveness of the Dome and also of the Al-Aqsah Mosque, which is adjacent to the Dome. Women and children especially congregate in the grassy and shady areas of the Temple Mount to spend the afternoon reading, talking, and generally mulling about. It seems peaceful. Under current law the Temple Mount is open to visitors from 9:00 until 3:00 and is patrolled by Israeli securtiy forces. Most Jews will not go up onto the Temple Mount for fear of standing in the place that once was the Holy of Holies. It is said that the the Dome of the Rock is built on this location. The Dome of the Rock is the third most holy site in Islam follwing Mecca and Medina.


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