Sunday, August 20, 2006

Stepping on Cultural Toes: Circumcised on the Eighth Day

This is my cup. I drink out of it. Water, orange juice, milk, you name it. It's pretty big...big gulps. I like and it is blue, so that makes it even better. But here's the thing. I shouldn't be drinking out of this cup. It's almost sacreligious. Well, actually, it is sacreligious. You see this cup originally had two handles; you might be able to see the remains of the second one on the side of the cup facing the camera. The cup had two handles beacuse it is used for ceremonial hand cleansing. The religious Jews use these cups to wash their hands before going to to pray at the Kotel (Western Wall). Yea, oops, exactly. But I didn't know, I am sorry, I really am. So I did what any good Jew would do; I circumcised the forehandle of the cup on the eighth day.


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